How are the 6 basic trigonometric functions related to right triangles?

1 Answer
Nov 26, 2014

The six basic trigonometric functions are:
1. Sine, sinthetasinθ
2. Cosine, costhetacosθ
3. Tangent, tanthetatanθ
4. Cotangent, cotthetacotθ
5. Secant, secthetasecθ
6. Cosecant, cscthetacscθ

Take the following triangle for example:

enter image source here

Let the angle marked at A be thetaθ.
The longest side of the triangle is the hypotenuse, the side next to the angle is the adjacent and the side opposite to it is the opposite.


sintheta =(opp)/( hyp)=a/hsinθ=opphyp=ah

costheta =(adj)/( hyp)=b/hcosθ=adjhyp=bh

tantheta =(opp)/(adj)=a/b=(sintheta)/(costheta)tanθ=oppadj=ab=sinθcosθ

cottheta =(adj)/(opp)=b/a=(costheta)/(sintheta)=1/tanthetacotθ=adjopp=ba=cosθsinθ=1tanθ

sectheta =(hyp)/(adj)=h/b=1/costhetasecθ=hypadj=hb=1cosθ

csctheta =(hyp)/(opp)=h/a=1/sinthetacscθ=hypopp=ha=1sinθ

Now if we the triangle were to have sides 3, 4 and 5 units long such that
a=4, b=3, h=5a=4,b=3,h=5
The six basic trigonometric functions would be:

sintheta =a/h=4/5sinθ=ah=45


tantheta =a/b=4/3tanθ=ab=43

cottheta =b/a=3/4cotθ=ba=34

sectheta =h/b=5/3secθ=hb=53

csctheta =h/a=5/4cscθ=ha=54