How do you find the area of a 30, 60, 90, triangle?

1 Answer
Jun 16, 2015

1) #L^2/8sqrt(3)#
2) #b^2/2sqrt(3)#
3) #h^2sqrt(3)/6#


You know a 30-60-90 triangle is half an equilateral triangle, so the base is half of the hypotenuse L


You can use now Pythagoras theorem and calculate the height:

#h=sqrt(b^2 + L^2)= sqrt(L^2/4 + L^2)=sqrt(3/4L^2)=L/2sqrt(3)=bsqrt(3)#

So we can determine the area only knowing one of the edges:

1) If we know #L#:


2) If we know #b#:


3) If we know #h#:
