For binomial distribution X, with n = 7 and p = 0.6, what is P(X>3)?

1 Answer
Oct 19, 2015

Pr{X>3} = f(4) + f(5) + f(6) + f(7) = #(0.6) ^4# [35#xx# #(0.4)^3#
+ 21#xx# 0.6#xx## (0.4)^2# + 7#xx## (0.6)^2# #xx# 0.4 + #(0.6)^3# ]


f (x) = #7C_x# )#(0.6)^x# #(0.4)^(7-x)# , x = 0, 1, ... 7 #=>#
X follows Binomial Distribution with parameters p = 0.6 and n=7.
#7C_4# =# 7C_3# = 7#xx# 6#xx5#/ 1#xx2# #xx3# = 7#xx5# = 35
#7C_5#= #7C_2# = 7#xx6# /1#xx2# = 21, #7C_6# = #7C_1# = 7 and
#7C_7# = 1.