What are the building blocks of carbohydrates? Biology Molecular Biology Basics Carbohydrates 1 Answer Rawda Eada Dec 12, 2015 Monosacharides Answer link Related questions What monosaccharides make up starch? What monosaccharides make up lactose? What monosaccharides make up glycogen? What monosaccharides make up cellulose? What monosaccharides are in sucrose? What monosaccharides are in maltose? What carbohydrates are in milk? Structurally, how does a polysaccharide differ from a polypeptide? How many disaccharides of d-glucopyranose are possible? How do polysaccharides differ structurally and functionally from simple carbohydrates? See all questions in Carbohydrates Impact of this question 7969 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License