#0.15# and #0.125# are the decimal forms of #15/100# and #125/1000# respectively. Now, all you have to do is to find the common denominator (LCD) of the numerator, which will be #100# and then apply the rule of the division of a fraction by another fraction. That means multiplying the numerator by the reciprocal of the denominator. The reciprocal of something is #1# over that thing. That's what people usually call inverse, but now you know that they are different :)
So, #(-7/10+15/100)/(-125/1000)=((-70+15)/100)/(-125/1000)=-55/100xx-1000/125#
The minus sign will become a positive sign because you have minus times minus. Then, simplify the rest of the fraction.
#cancel color (red)-(11 cancel color (red)55)/(20 cancel color (red)100) xx cancel color (red) (-) (8 cancel color (red)1000)/(1 cancel color (red) 125)=(11xx8)/(20xx1)=(22 cancel color (red)88)/(5 cancel color (red)20)=22/5#
Hope this helps :)