How do you use the graphing calculator to graph the first 10 terms of the sequence a_n=0.2n+3an=0.2n+3?
1 Answer
This solution is written for TIs only, I don't know if it'll work for Casio.
First you click [y=], make sure you are in function mode.
Then you can press [math] and press [0].
This should give you something that looks like a E, called a summation, with two boxes on the bottom and one on the top.
Make sure you your expression look like this:
Now all you have to do is press [zoom] and press [enter].
Woohoo! You did it!
Good luck with the rest of your work, keep mathing!
Down here I'll explain what the summation notation is.
This expression:
The "equation" on the bottom tells us what variable is being used and what the initial condition is.
The top number tells us when to stop.
The expression inside the parenthesis tells us what equation is being used on the variable.
This is how it all comes together:
Here's what happens in order.
- Plug in initial condition to expression
- Add answer to sum
- Add one to the variable
- Repeat steps 1-3 until you reach the limit, the top number.
Hope this helps :3