Why do we abbreviate trisomy as n + 1?

1 Answer
Oct 10, 2017

Here's the reason.


Firstly I would like to throw some light that #n+1# is not an abbreviation of trisomy.

General abbreviation of trisomy is #2n+1#.

#n# is the haploid number of chromosomes at a certain sequence.

Now, it's diploid is #2n#.

Now, haploidy & diploidy are common intermediates of chromosomes.

But, an abnormal count of chromosomes is called aneuploidy.

Some aneuploid conditions are #rarr#

(1). #2n − 1##rarr# monosomy.
(because only one copy of same specific chromosome is present).

(2). #n+1# #rarr# disomy.
(because two copies of same specific chromosome is present).

(3). #2n + 1##rarr#trisomy.
(because three copies of same specific chromosome is present).

(4). #2n − 2# #rarr#nullisomy.
(because no copy of a specific chromosome is present).

Hope it Helps:).