A hexagon has five angles that measure 140° each. What is the measure of the sixth angle?

2 Answers



The answer is 20^o20o because:

  • Total sum of interior angle: 720^o720o
  • Each angle measures: 140^o140o
  • 6 side: ?

5 sides:

140*5=700" "1405=700 or " "140+140+140+140+140=700 140+140+140+140+140=700

We will add up all the sides to get the total of all the 5 sides.

6 side: 720-700=20720700=20

We will now subtract the total of all the 5 sides, which is 700^o700o, from the total angle of the hexagon, which is 720^o720o, to get the 6th side.

Hope that this had helped you a lot please let me know it in the comment section below. Have a great day.

Mar 10, 2018



Sum of internal angles in a hexagon is 720
Five angles is 140x5=700
Remaining angle is 720-700=20