A tetra-hybrid plant produces fruits of 1 kg while minimum weight is 400 g. What will be the maximum weight of a fruit ? (1) 600 g (2) 1600 g (3) 1200 g (4) 1800 g

1 Answer
Apr 23, 2018

"1600 g"1600 g


This is a question of Polygenic inheritance. When all the alleles are recessive, we get minimum weight condition and when all the alleles are dominant, we get maximum weight condition.

In a tetrahybrid condition ("AaBbCcDd")(AaBbCcDd), the weight of the plant is "1000 g"1000 g, i.e minimum weight ++ weight due to four dominant alleles.

Therefore, the weight of four dominant alleles = "1000 g" - "400 g" = "600 g"=1000 g400 g=600 g.

Now, the weight due to 88 dominant alleles = "minimum weight" + 2 xx "600 g" = "400 g" + "1200 g" = "1600 g"=minimum weight+2×600 g=400 g+1200 g=1600 g.

Let me know if you didn't understand this properly.
P.S. I also gave this test yesterday!