How do you simplify root3(1)?

2 Answers
Apr 26, 2018

1 or 1^(1/3) =1


The cubed root of 1 is the same as raising 1 to the power of 1/3. 1 to the power of anything is still 1.

Apr 26, 2018

Working in the reals we get root[3]{1}=1.

Every non-zero complex number has three cube roots, so there

root[3]{1} = 1 or -1/2 pm i sqrt{3}/2


If we're working in real numbers we just note root[3]{1} = root[3]{1^3}=1. I'm going to assume this is about complex numbers.

One of the odd things we find out when we delve into complex numbers is that the function f(z)=e^{z} is periodic. Exponential growth is sort of the opposite of periodic, so this is a surprise.

The key fact is Euler's Identity squared. I call it Euler's True Identity.

e^{2\pi i} = 1

Euler's True Identity shows e^z is periodic with period 2pi i:

f(z + 2pi i) = e^{z + 2 pi i} = e^z e^{2 pi i} = e^z = f(z)

We can raise Euler's True Identity to any integer power k:

e^{2\pi k i} = 1

What's all this got to do with the cube root of one? It's the key. It tells there are a countably infinite number of ways of writing one. Some of them have different cube roots than others. It's why non-integer exponents give rise to multiple values.

That's all a big windup. Usually I just start these by writing:

e^{2pi k i} = 1 quad for integer k

root[3]{1} = 1^{1/3} = (e^{2\pi k i})^{1/3} = e^{i {2pi k }/3} = cos(2pi k/3) + i sin(2pi k/3)

The last step is of course Euler's Formula e^{i theta}=cos theta + i sin theta.

Since we have the 2pi periodicity of the trig functions (which follows from the periodicity of the exponential and Euler's Formula) we only have unique values for three consecutive ks. Let's evaluate this for k=0,1,-1:

k=0 quad quad cos({2pi k}/3) + i sin({2pi k}/3) = cos 0 + i sin 0 = 1

k=1 quad quad cos({2pi} /3) + i sin({2pi} /3) =-1/2 + i sqrt{3}/2

k=-1 quad quad cos(-{2pi} /3) + i sin(-{2pi} /3) =-1/2 - i sqrt{3}/2

So we get three values for the cube root of one:

root[3]{1} = 1 or -1/2 pm i sqrt{3}/2