What are the limitations of Infrared Spectroscopy? Organic Chemistry Infrared Spectroscopy Infrared Spectroscopy 1 Answer Reyan Roberth · Stefan V. May 11, 2018 Below are the limitations of infrared spectroscopy:- Explanation: #=># Not possible to analyse the molecular weight of any substance. #=># Spectra narrowness makes the measurement of absorbance upon the slit width and the setting of the wavelength. #=># Does not provide information about the relative location of the functional groups of a molecule. Answer link Related questions What does infrared spectroscopy measure? What does infrared spectrum show in an IR? How does infrared absorption spectroscopy work? What is Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy? How does infrared spectroscopy aid in criminal investigations? How is infrared spectroscopy used to identify the presence of organic compounds in water samples? How does infrared spectroscopy identify functional groups? Why are #NaCl# plates used instead of quartz plates in IR spectroscopy to load sample? What does infrared spectroscopy tell you? How might infrared spectroscopy be useful in pharmacy? See all questions in Infrared Spectroscopy Impact of this question 26972 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License