How do we convert a decimal fraction such as #2.35# in percentage?

3 Answers



To convert a fraction whether proper / improper fraction or decimal fraction,

multiply it by #100%# .

Hence #2.35=(2.35xx100)%=235%#

Jun 27, 2016


Totally changed the way this is calculated.


#color(blue)("Concept of percent")#

Using 60 percent as an example.

Percentage is written in 2 ways. When writing about it people use 60%. When using percentage in calculating you use the fraction format of #60/100#

Think of the % as meaning 'over 100'.

From the word percent that part that is 'per' means for each of.
The word part 'cent' means 100. Think of centimetre. One metre has 100 of these.
#color(blue)("Answering the question")#

Think of #2.35# as #2+3/10+5/100#

Notice that the bottom number (denominator) of the last value is 100 and the bottom number of percent is also 100.

So lets change the other 2 numbers so that they also have a denominator of 100.

#color(blue)("Step 1")#

Multiply 2 by 1 but in the form of #1=100/100#

#2xx1" "->" "2xx100/100 = 200/100#

So now we have: #200/100+3/10+5/100#

#color(blue)("Step 2")#

Multiply #3/10# by 1 but in the form of #1=10/10#

#3/10xx1" "->" "3/10xx10/10 = 30/100#

So now we have: #200/100+30/100+5/100#
Adding up all the top numbers (numerators) we have

#(200+30+5)/100 = 235/100#

Write this as #235%#

Aug 29, 2016

No calculation is necessary.
#2.35 = 2 35/100 = 235/100 = 235%#


The number is already written as a percentage if we read it as a fraction equal to the decimal which is given.

Any number written to 2 decimal places is given in hundredths.

#2.35 = 2 35/100 = 235/100 = 235%#

No calculation is necessary at all, the answer can be read straight off.