Question #b8c08 Organic Chemistry Welcome to Organic Chemistry Definition of 'Chemistry' and 'Organic' 1 Answer anor277 Oct 12, 2016 Distillation? Explanation: Ethyl acetate has a normal boiling point of #73.1# #""^@C#. Addition of a bit of sodium hydroxide to the still pot would react with any residue of acetic acid. Answer link Related questions Question #7889a Why are organic compounds important? How are compounds in organic chemistry named? What is the line formula of #CH_3CH_2CH_2C(CH_3)^3#? What is this functional group: #(CH_3)_2C=CHCH_3#? What is the general formula of a carboxylic acid? What is a carboxyl group? What is an alkane? What is the formula of the ethyl group? What is a functional group in organic chemistry? See all questions in Definition of 'Chemistry' and 'Organic' Impact of this question 1710 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License