Question #ffba3
1 Answer
The answer as posted is 'the result of the calculation is zero'.
This is due to symmetry of the charge distribution around the charge
Line charge density of charge
rho_L=Q/(2piR) ....(1)
Consider any length element
dQ=dlxxQ/(2piR) ....(2)
Force between this charge element and charge
|vecF|=k(qxxdQ)/R^2 .....(3)
The direction of force will be along the radius and will be towards or away from the center depending upon the sign of charges.
Now locate another length element
Charge on this element is also
Force between this charge element and charge
However, the direction of force will be opposite to the direction of the force exerted by first charge element.
Hence, net force on the charge
It is seen that the charge distribution can be considered to be made up of infinite numbers of paired charge elements, net force due to each pair being
Final result follows.