78 is 92% of what?

1 Answer
May 9, 2018

Approximately #84.78#


#92%# can be expressed by the decimal number #.92#. The word "of" in the question means you are multiplying, so the question is really asking, #.92# times what number equals 78? To solve this algebraically, we will use the variable #x# to represent the unknown number:

#.92 * x = 78 | .92x = 78#

To solve for #x#, all we need to do is divide each side by the coefficient of #x#, or the number by which the variable is multiplied, to get the variable by itself:

#(.92x)/.92 = 78/.92 | x = 84.7826...#

Note that I rounded the answer to 2 decimal places. Normally, you should follow any specific rounding instructions given on the test, but if none are given, it is generally acceptable to round to the hundredths digit.