Electric Potential ? Physics Electrical Energy and Current Electric Potential 1 Answer Douglas K. Nov 30, 2017 We know that vecE = -(delV)/(delx)hati-(delV)/(dely)hatj-(delV)/(delz)hatk :. V = -intE_xdx-intE_ydy-intE_zdz We are given that E_x = 2x^3, E_y= -3x^2y, and E_z = 2yz^2: V = -int2x^3dx+int3x^2ydy-int2yz^2dz V = -1/2x^4+3/2x^2y^2-2/3yz^3 Evaluate at the point #(1,3,-1) V = -1/2(1)^4+3/2(1)^2(3)^2-2/3(3)(-1)^3 V = 15" V" Answer link Related questions Why does electric potential increase with distance? What are some common mistakes students make with electric potential? Question #618a2 Question #673a7 Question #09754 A charge of 15 C is passing through points A and B on a circuit. If the charge's electric... A charge of 15 C is passing through points A and B on a circuit. If the charge's electric... A charge of 16 C is passing through points A and B on a circuit. If the charge's electric... A charge of 16 C is passing through points A and B on a circuit. If the charge's electric... A charge of 9 C is passing through points A and B on a circuit. If the charge's electric... See all questions in Electric Potential Impact of this question 1700 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License