How can parallax be used in astronomy? Astronomy Stars, Black Holes, and Galaxies Stellar Parallax 1 Answer Suryin =) Nov 20, 2015 It is one method of measuring the distance to stars. Answer link Related questions What is a parallax in regard to stars? What is stellar parallax? What does the term parallax mean? What is the parallax formula and how is it used to calculate the distance between two stars? What is the parallax angle? What is the description for the parallax technique for measuring the distance to the stars? Why can't astronomers use parallax to measure distances to other galaxies? What is the parallax formula for astronomy? What is the unit of measurement for the formula? What is the accuracy of the parallax method? What causes the angle of a parallax to increase? See all questions in Stellar Parallax Impact of this question 2847 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License