The polar equation of a cardioid is
r=2a(1+cos theta),
which looks like this with a=1:
What a polar equation of cardioid looks like in graph using a=1.
So, the area inside a cardioid can be found by
A=int_0^{2pi} int_0^{2a(1+cos theta)} rdrd theta
=int_0^{2pi}[r^2/2]_0^{2a(1+cos theta)}d theta
=int_0^{2pi}{[2a(1+cos theta)]^2}/2 d theta
=2a^2 int_0^{2pi}(1+2cos theta+cos^2theta)d theta
=2a^2 int_0^{2pi}[1+2cos theta+1/2(1+cos2theta)]d theta
=2a^2[theta+2sin theta+1/2(theta+{sin2theta}/2)]_0^{2pi}
=2a^2[2pi+1/2(2pi)]=6pi a^2
I hope that this was helpful.