How do you differentiate a linking verb, a transitive verb, and an intransitive verb? I am having trouble determining the differences.

1 Answer

A verb is a word for an action or a state of being.
A linking verb is a verb that acts as an equal sign, the subject is or becomes the object.
A transitive verb is a verb that has an object.
An intransitive verb is a verb that doesn't have an object.


Examples of linking verb:
Mary is my sister. (Mary = sister)
Mary's feet were cold. (feet = cold)
My sister was named the favorite to win. (sister = favorite)

Examples of transitive verb:
Mother baked the cake.
Who made this mess?
The driver saw the deer in time to hit the brakes.

Examples of intransitive verb:
We talked for hours. ("for hours" is a prepositional phrase)
The audience laughed loudly. ("loudly" is an adverb)
The train is on time for once. ("on time" is a prepositional phrase; "for once" is a prepositional phrase)