How do you find the square root of 23?
1 Answer
As such it is not expressible in the form
We can find rational approximations as follows:
#23 = 5^2-2#
is in the form
The square root of a number of the form
#sqrt(n^2-2) = [(n-1); bar(1, (n-2), 1, (2n-2))]#
In our example
#sqrt(23) = [4; bar(1,3,1,8)] = 4+1/(1+1/(3+1/(1+1/(8+1/(1+1/(3+1/(1+...)))))))#
To use this to derive a good approximation for
#sqrt(23) ~~ [4;1,3,1,8,1,3,1] = 4+1/(1+1/(3+1/(1+1/(8+1/(1+1/(3+1/1)))))) = 1151/240 = 4.7958bar(3)#
With a calculator, we find:
#sqrt(23) ~~ 4.79583152#
So our approximation is not bad.