How do you find the square root of 36864?

1 Answer



#" " " "1'9'2#
#" "sqrt( 3'68'64)#
#" " " "underline(1" " " " ")#
#" " " " 268#
#" " " " underline(261" " ")#
#" " " " " "764#
#" " " " " "underline(764)#
#" " " " " " " "0#

This is how to do it.

From the decimal point of the number 36864. we group the digits by that it appears 3'68'64.
The first digit is 3. We choose a digit from 0 to 9. The best digit is 1 because 1 times 1 equals 1. If we choose 2, then 2 times 2 equals 4 which is greater than 3. So 1 is the correct digit

#" " " "1 larr#the chosen digit
#" "sqrt( 3'68'64)#
#" " " "underline(1" " " " ")#
#" " " " 268 larr#perform subtraction between 3 and 1 then bring #" " " " " " " " " " "down the next 2 digits that is 68"#

At this point we multiply our first digit 1 by 20 which is equal to 20. Think now of a digit which will be added to the result 20 and multiplied by it.

If we choose 9 then we have 20+9=29 and 29 times 9 equals 261 which is just correct because we need a number equal or lower than 268.

If we choose 8 then we have 20+8=28 and 28 times 8 equals 224 which is very much lower than 268. We need something lower but very close to 268.

Therefore 9 is the correct next digit is 9.

#" " " "1'9 larr#the next chosen digit
#" "sqrt( 3'68'64)#
#" " " "underline(1" " " " ")#
#" " " " 268 larr#bring down the next 2 digits that is 68
#" " " " underline(261" " ")#
#" " " " " "764 larr#perform subtraction to get 7 then bring down 64

At this point we multiply our previous answers 19 by 20 which is equal to 380. Think now of a digit which will be added to the result 380 and multiplied by it.

If we choose now 2 then we have 380+2=382 and 382 times 2 equals 764 which is just correct because it is equal or lower than 764.

#" " " "1'9'2 larr#the last chosen digit is 2
#" "sqrt( 3'68'64)#
#" " " "underline(1" " " " ")#
#" " " " 268 larr#bring down the next 2 digits that is 68
#" " " " underline(261" " ")#
#" " " " " "764 larr#perform subtraction to get 7 then bring down 64
#" " " " " "underline(764)#
#" " " " " " " "0 larr#the final subtraction results which ends the process.

Checking: 192 times 192 equals 36864

God bless....I hope the explanation is useful.