How is climate change affecting the world?

1 Answer
Apr 6, 2016

Climate Change is a natural process that which the world goes through in cycles, it is the reason why the Ice Age ended, but climate change today is slowly getting faster due to Human interactions on the planet.


These interactions include burning fossil fuels & cutting trees down (when trees die, they release all their carbon), these all go & contribute to a layer of gases we've begun to build up in our atmosphere called the Green House Layer, this traps thermal energy in our atmosphere & reflects it back to earth when it rises from the planet's surface, this causes Global Warming which in turn speeds up Climate Change.

The warmer world we live in has only gone up by a couple of degrees (1-2 degrees Celsius to be exact), even though this is a tiny change for you & me as we'd probably turn up the heating in our home higher than this, it is dire for the planet.

Tiny increases of temperature in some areas melts the ice, snow & glaciers which causes sea levels to rise & weird weather often occurs due to this & the sea getting warmer too is a tiny change for us but a massive one which all sea life can detect & often affects badly.

Seeing where you live in the world; Australia, sea level rise & warming of the sea will affect your reefs dramatically, the increase of temperature causes corals to bleach, this is when the coral ejects all of the algae inside of the calcium skeleton which photosynthesises & feeds the coral 'animals', whilst the coral 'animals' allow the algae to remain within the structure thus protecting it, but the algae being ejected is what gives the coral it's colour & that's why it goes to a calcium white or grey.

Not to mention sea level rise will mean the sunlight will have to penetrate deeper underwater for the corals to survive, but due to corals evolving relatively slow to survive with less sunlight, will also cause it to die.

This threatens the great barrier reef's existence, not to mention thousands of other reefs face the same problem around the world.

Climate Change is a natural process, but due to Humanity, we've sped it up.