How many microstates are there for any given compound?

1 Answer
Feb 4, 2017

From Boltzmann's equation of entropy:

#nbarS = k_BlnOmega#


  • #barS# is the molar entropy of the chosen ensemble of molecules.
  • #k_B = 1.3807xx10^(-23)# #"J/K"# is the Boltzmann constant.
  • #Omega# is the number of microstates available, consistent with the system's macrostates.

Solving for #Omega#:

#color(blue)(Omega = e^(nbarS"/"k_B))#

Thus, if you know the molar entropy of a compound, you can find the number of microstates it has in however many #"mol"#s you wish. As you can imagine, this number will be huge.

If you wanted, you could choose #T = "298.15 K"# and look up the standard molar entropy (#S^@#) of many compounds in the back of many general chemistry textbooks. That can be used as #barS#.