If two standard number cubes are rolled 100 times, how would you predict the number of times that a sum of 7 or 11 will be rolled?

1 Answer

Roughly 22 times


We can calculate the odds, on any given role, the chance that a 7 or 11 will come up.

Let's say that one cube is Red and the other Green. We can get a 7 when we get:



and so 6 ways to get a 7.

We can get an 11 when we get:


and so 2 ways.

We have 8 possible ways to get a 7 or 11.

On any given role, there are #6xx6=36# possible roles. And so on any given role, the odds of getting a 7 or 11 is:


To figure out the number of 7 or 11 in 100 roles, we can use a ratio:


and now let's solve for #x#:


#x=800/36=22 2/9= 22.bar2# or roughly 22.