In what way did Cuvier influence Darwin?

1 Answer
May 1, 2017

Cuvier's work on the extinction of animals and the progressive creation of new species provided a ground work for Darwin's theory of evolution.


Cuvier established proof that many species like dinosaurs had become extinct in ages past. Cuvier proposed that after each series of catastrophes new species had been created.

Cuvier's work on extinctions was incorporated into Darwin's theory of natural selection and survival of the fittest. Natural selection would cause the extinction of variations of species that were not well adapted to the existing environment.

Cuvier's ideas of progressive creation became the idea of descent through modification. The idea that species changed progressively into new species.

The differences was that Darwin believed that all organisms had a common ancestor while Cuvier believed different types of organism had been separately created.

Cuvier believed in catastrophes mainly floods shaped the earth and the history of life. Darwin accepted Hutton's and Lyell's theory of uniform process and gradual changes.