Is the following sentence written in future perfect or future tense? By this time next year, George will have completed his degree. English Grammar Tenses Future 1 Answer YouMike Apr 23, 2016 It is future perfect Answer link Related questions How do you change the following sentence to the future tense?: She bought three puppies. When do you use the future simple and the future continuous? What is the future tense of the word "can"? When should I use future perfect continuous tense? What is the future perfect tense of "to survive"? What is the future perfect tense of the word "repair"? What is the future tense of "lay"? I am using it in a line of a poem. What is first person future progressive tense? Which sentence is correct? One: I will be taking a shower at nine o'clock. Two: I will take a... What is the second person future tense of "collect"? See all questions in Future Impact of this question 5998 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License