Is there any organic compound that can rebond?

1 Answer
Jul 13, 2016

When you say "rebond", I can think of these ways from inorganic and organic chemistry:

Inorganic/Organic Rearrangements

  • Bond hapticity being adjusted so that the total valence electron count on a transition metal complex is kept the same.

Organic Rearrangements

  • Ring Expansion/Contraction in the presence of a carbocation.
  • Alkene rearrangements due to light- or heat-induced catalysis, or olefin metathesis.

Since you should be taught about olefin metathesis in class eventually, I'll leave that to your professor.



Bond Hapticity Aajustment -

Hapticity (eta) is the number of contiguous atoms to which a transition metal is being bonded. So, a dihapto (eta^2) ligand, for instance, bonds to a transition metal via two directly-connected atoms.

For this compound, eta^1-allylmanganesepentacarbonyl:

  • Each neutral "CO" contributes two valence electrons, for a total of \mathbf(10).
  • The neutral eta^1-allyl ligand, which bonds via one atom, contributes \mathbf(1) valence electron.
  • Manganese is therefore "Mn"^(0), and has \mathbf(7) valence electrons.

Thus, this compound is a 10+1+7 = \mathbf(18)-electron complex. It happens to be stable with 18 valence electrons.

Upon heating or subjecting this compound to UV-light, one "CO" ligand is lost, taking away 2 valence electrons.

But, the 18 electrons provided stability, so the allyl ligand changes hapticity (rebonds) to donate 3 valence electrons as eta^3 instead of 1 as eta^1, making up for the loss of two valence electrons.

Now, the allyl (an organic delocalized pi system) is bonded via three contiguous atoms, having rebonded!

There are plenty more examples in Transition Metal chemistry, but that's one I could think of off the top of my head.


These are much more interesting to describe, and usually happen with conjugated pi systems, like 1,3-butadiene, 1,3,5-hexatriene, etc.

There are quite a few variations, but as some examples, I'll look at:

  • a ring expansion/contraction (you should have seen this before)
  • a disrotatory ring closure (thermal catalysis)
  • a conrotatory electrocyclic ring-opening (thermal catalysis)

Ring Expansion/Contraction -

Expansion usually occurs when you have a formed cationic carbon adjacent to a small ring (4/5 members) that can be stabilized by expanding intramolecularly.

(Ring contractions will occur for 7/8 membered rings.)

The cationic carbon can appear when you add a strong acid (e.g. "H"_2"SO"_4, "HCl", etc) to a double bond, for instance.

The major product is the expanded ring.

Disrotatory Electrocyclic Ring Closure

This usually occurs in straight-chained conjugated pi systems. A disrotatory process occurs for a system with an odd number of pi bonds upon being subjected to thermal catalysis.

A conrotatory process means the end-\mathbf(pi)-orbitals of the HOMO in the molecule rotate in the same direction (say, both CCW) for the bond migration.

(The HOMO contains matching signs on orbital pairs, going (+)(+)(-)(-)(+)(+).)

So, a disrotatory process is when they rotate towards each other (say, CW vs. CCW). This example is of 2,4,6-octatriene.

Because these orbitals rotated towards each other, the stereochemistry of the final product's methyl groups is cis. The arrow-pushing mechanism would look like this:

Conrotatory Electrocyclic Ring-Opening

A ring-opening tends to occur with small pi-system rings. It is conrotatory when an even number of pi bonds are in the straight-chained system, and the process is thermally-induced.

Then, the end-\mathbf(pi)-orbitals rotate in the same direction and break the sigma bond, generating the HOMO of the pi system.

In the image, both end-orbitals rotate CCW, generating the HOMO of the system, which has matching signs on orbital pairs, as in, (+)(+)(-)(-)(+)(+).

The conrotatory process resulted in the methyl groups facing in the same direction, generating the cis,trans-2,4-hexadiene isomer.