Using the integral test, how do you show whether sum 1/sqrt(n+1) diverges or converges from n=1 to infinity?

1 Answer
Jun 10, 2015

The integral test basically works from the definition of the integral (quick version: the integral is the accumulated sum of infinitely thin differential intervals dn over a specified interval a->b).

A paraphrased version of the integral test is as follows:

Let there be a function f(n) = a_n where a_n is a series lying within the domain [k,oo). There exists another function f(x) that is continuous, positive, and decreasing such that the convergence or divergence of int_k^(oo)f(x)dx determines the convergence or divergence of sum_(n=k)^(oo)a_n, respectively.

So, essentially, we have to integrate this, which is indeed continuous, positive, and decreasing at [1,oo):


We can do that like so:

= int_1^(oo)(x+1)^(-"1/2")dx

= |[2(x+1)^("1/2")]|_1^(oo)

At this point we know that sqrt(x+1) is a constantly increasing function, so it has an "open" accumulation that can never stop without a well-defined right-end boundary. Basically, it's a half-open integral that extends its domain forever and so it has no finite area.

= 2(oo)^("1/2") - cancel(2(1+1)^("1/2"))^"small"

=> oo

The integral does not converge, and so the series does not converge either. QED