What are decimals?
1 Answer
Decimals are a way to express a piece of a whole thing. Fractions do the same thing - it's really all about what is the convenient form to use when talking about numbers between 0 and 1.
Decimals are a way to express a piece of a whole thing. Fractions do the same thing - it's really all about what is the convenient form to use when talking about numbers between 0 and 1.
Consider a pizza. If I slice it in 2 and take 1 piece of it, I have
If I did the same thing with decimals, I'd start with
In another situation, let's say I have a situation where the fractions are getting complicated - maybe there are 1,347 acres of farmland in a town and an owner owns 437 of them. If I wanted to write this in fractional form, I'd have: