What are the seven kinds of nouns? English Grammar Parts of Speech Nouns 1 Answer Abdul Sammad · mason m Feb 12, 2016 Proper Nouns Common Nouns Material Nouns Compound Nouns Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns Collective Nouns Concrete Nouns Abstract Nouns Pronouns Explanation: Answer link Related questions Question #0c999 What is a noun phrase in linguistics? Why is "internet" a proper noun? Which proper nouns should be capitalized? What are some examples of plural nouns? Can you change a common noun to a proper noun? What's the definition of a proper noun? What are some examples of collective nouns? What are some examples of common nouns? What are some examples of compound nouns? See all questions in Nouns Impact of this question 88040 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License