What compound is commonly called laughing gas? Chemistry Matter Compounds 1 Answer anor277 Aug 21, 2016 #N_2O" nitrous oxide"#. Explanation: #N_2O# used to be employed by dentists as an anaesthetic. I do not think it is used as often now because they seem to have better drugs. Mind you, if you go to a club or a rave often you see people pushing the gas in balloons. Answer link Related questions Why compounds of transition metals are coloured? What compounds conduct electricity? Are compounds considered pure substances? What compounds are insoluble in water? What compounds are electrolytes? What compounds are hydrophobic? How can I calculate the molar mass of a compound? How can compounds be broken down? Can compounds be both ionic and covalent? How are molecular compounds named? See all questions in Compounds Impact of this question 2613 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License