What does cytoskeleton look like?
1 Answer
best way to show is through these videoes
check out these links
https://www.youtub e.com/watch?v=wJyUtbn0O5Y
what you start seeing from 0:40 till 1:10 is cytoskeleton. so this is slight animated view
real life staining with fluoroscent antibodies/proteins these are pictures of real life cell cytoplasm working
this is video from following paper
Nuclear Movement Regulated by Cdc42, MRCK, Myosin, and Actin Flow Establishes MTOC Polarization in Migrating Cells
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/MiamiMultiMediaURL/1-s2.0-S0092867405001881/1-s2.0-S0092867405001881-mmc4.avi/272196/html/S0092867405001881/e44da3cc9ff3320ee1c464b59407cf7f/mmc4.avi where you can see all the bright lights are microtubules and the central one with black region is nucleus
check this site for more interesting picture one of the picture is here showing actin cytoskeleton under Electron microscope.