What is an example of an RC circuit practice problem?
Sample practice problem -A08
A resistor #R=10Omega# is connected with #20muF and 10muF# capacitors and a #10V# DC battery as shown below. Analyze the circuit to find
1. Current in the loop after three time constants
2. Steady state energy stored in each capacitor.

Sample practice problem -A08
A resistor
1. Current in the loop after three time constants
2. Steady state energy stored in each capacitor.
1 Answer
Equivalent capacitance
Time constant
where#I_0# is the initial current in the loop as the switch is closed.
- Current after three time constants is
#=>I=0.05A# - We know that
In the steady state there is no current flowing in the loop. Hence, voltage drop across resistor
The balance voltage appears across other capacitor.
Now energy stored in a capacitor is given by the expression