What is artificially acquired humoral immunity? What type of things do T cells attack?

2 Answers
Oct 12, 2017

Vaccination and injected antibody


Humoral immunity of part of the adaptive immunity. It develops as we encounter new pathogens in our system. In contrast to innate immunity which is normally present from birth.

Humoral immunity involves antibodies that target specific Invaders and help eliminate them. Now there are two main ways of getting antibodies in our blood: 1. We encounter a foreign substance and our immune system produces the antibody (active immunity) or 2. Antibodies produced outside the body are supplied to us

For process 1. The artificial method is vaccination which involves introducing our bodies to harmless Invaders to train our immune system so when the harmful variant of that invader attacks, our body will be prepared to produce antibodies

For process 2. The artificial method involves producing the antibodies in animals or some artificial process and injecting it in our blood.

Oct 12, 2017

T cell many complex functions


There are many types of T cells. But for the purposes of simplicity, we are only going to consider helper and cytotoxic To cells.

Helper To cells like the general of an army. They tell all other immune system fighters what to do. They accomplish this by secreting chemicals called cytokines

Cytotoxic T cells on the other hand is involved in directly killing cells that our body thinks is foreign. These might be a virus virus affected cell or a tumor cell.