What is meant by #theta# in a polar coordinate formula? Precalculus Polar Coordinates The Polar Coordinate System 1 Answer Massimiliano Mar 13, 2015 The angle #theta# is the angle that the vector, that joins the origin with the point, forms with the positive x-semi-axis. Answer link Related questions What are polar coordinates used for in real life? How do I graph polar coordinates? How do I use polar coordinates to find the volume of a sphere of radius #r#? What is spherical polar coordinate system? What is meant by #tan^(-1)(y/x)# in a polar coordinate formula? What is a polar plot? Is an angle measured clockwise or counterclockwise in the polar coordinate system? Write the complex number #sqrt3 - i# in polar form? How do you plot the polar coordinate (3, -7pi/6)? Are the two polar coordinates the same: (8, pi/3), (-8, -pi/3)? See all questions in The Polar Coordinate System Impact of this question 2144 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License