What is the biggest star in our solar system? Astronomy Our Solar System Components of the Solar System 1 Answer Suryin =) Nov 23, 2015 SUN Explanation: There is ONLY ONE STAR in our Solar System. Answer link Related questions How does the composition of our solar system compare to the composition of the universe? How are various bodies in the solar system similar and different? Does our solar system move through the universe like a cloud moves through the sky or are we... What is the solar system? What is the shape of the solar system and how is it maintained? What is the center of our solar system? What keeps the solar system in balance? Does our solar system have a name? Why is the solar system flat? What is the theory that explains how the solar system was formed? See all questions in Components of the Solar System Impact of this question 2758 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License