What is the diference between the most common two-dimensional NMR techniques: COSY and HETCOR?

1 Answer

In COSY, the proton spectra are plotted along each axis, while in HETCOR the proton spectrum is on one axis and the ""^13"C" spectrum is on the other axis.


COSY"CO"rrelation "S"pectroscop"Y"
(you may also see it written as H,H-COSY)

In COSY, both axes correspond to ""^1"H" NMR spectra.

The off-diagonal peaks show which protons are coupled to each other.

The COSY spectrum of ethyl but-2-enoate

(from www.chem.ucalgary.ca)


(from www.chem.ucalgary.ca)

For example, peak A indicates a coupling between the "H" at 6.9 ppm and the "H" at 1.8 ppm.

This shows that the "CH"_3 group is coupled to the adjacent "H" on the alkene.

HETCOR"HET"eronuclear "COR"relation Spectroscopy

in HETCOR spectra, a proton NMR spectrum is plotted on one axis and the ""^13"C" NMR spectrum is plotted on the other.

The peaks show which "H" is attached to each "C".

Here is the HETCOR spectrum of ethyl but-2-enoate.

(from www.chem.ucalgary.ca)

For example, Peak A indicates that the "H" at 4.1 ppm is attached to the "C" at 60 ppm.

This corresponds to the "-OCH"_2"-" group of the ester.