What is the sum of #1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+1234567890+9876543210+99999999+(0xx9001)-9999999+(-999999999)#?
I want to know
I want to know
1 Answer
This is a test to see if you spot thing and give you practice of splitting your solution up into smaller parts.
Take the outermost values and pair them then work your way in.
Then there is 5
Write as
So the questions sum from the left to this point is:
So now we have
So the questions sum from the left to this point is:
Consider the last value
Plus and minus together like this make a minus so we have
So the questions sum from the left to this point is:
So the last two numbers can be written as
There are different ways of dealing with this. This is just one way
So the questions sum from the left to this point is:
Consider the last two from the previous part solution