Which quadrant does 6p/7 lie? Trigonometry Graphing Trigonometric Functions Applications of Radian Measure 1 Answer Nghi N. Nov 18, 2015 (6pi)/7 lies between# (3.5pi)/7= pi/2# and #(7pi)/7 = pi#. Then it is located in Quadrant II Answer link Related questions What are some applications of using radian measure? How do you calculate the length of an arc and the area of a sector? How do you approximate the length of a chord given the central angle and radius? What are some example problems involving angular speed? How do you find the length of the chord of a circle with radius 8 cm and a central angle of #110^@#? How does #sinx=0# equals π? How do you write the function in terms of the cofunction of a complementary angle #tan(pi/5)#? What is the value of #sin(pi/4)#? What is the value of #tan(pi/3)#? What is the value of #cos(7pi/4)#? See all questions in Applications of Radian Measure Impact of this question 2130 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License