Why are metamorphic rocks harder than igneous and sedimentary rocks? Earth Science Rocks Metamorphic Rocks 1 Answer Suryin =) Nov 8, 2015 because it has gone many processes. Answer link Related questions What are some examples of metamorphic rocks? How does contact metamorphism differ from regional metamorphism? What is regional metamorphism? Why is contact metamorphism associated with igneous intrusions? How is foliation related to the dominant regional stresses? What is a metamorhpic rock and how are they formed? How is foliation formed in metamorphic rocks and what can it tell you about the conditions of... How are metamorphic rocks classified? What are the characteristics of foliated and non-foliated metamorphic rocks? Which mineral is commonly found in the three metamorphic rocks slate, schist, and gneiss? See all questions in Metamorphic Rocks Impact of this question 7185 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License