Answers edited by chandramohanPanakkal
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Saturn is approximately 1.5 billion kilometers from the sun. What is this distance in AU?
How does natural gas convert to energy?
What is earth's size relative to the galaxy?
Which planet in our solar system is most earth like?
What is beyond our solar system?
How does an electric motor operate?
What are the southern hemisphere constellations?
What are some similarities and differences between Venus and Earth?
When is the tail of a comet the shortest?
What does the Hubble Space Telescope do?
Why do the planets all orbit in planes very close to the ecliptic?
Which way does the moon and earth rotate around the sun?
How many parsec are in one kilometer?
How is electromagnetic radiation used in communication?
How long would it take us to travel to Pluto in years?
Who was the first person to observe the moon through a telescope? What features of the moon did he identify?
What are circumpolar stars?
What is the primary event that lead to the formation of the moon?
How is electromagnetic radiation produced on the sun?
Question #5243b
What are all the planets relative size compared to earth's size?
What causes a nova explosion?
How bright is a full moon in comparison to the Sun?
What theory describes the formation of the moon?
What are the sizes of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto?
What is the largest man-made satellite orbiting the earth?
How does the solar system move?
What is the size of the Earth's surface?
What is precession?
Do all stars look like our sun?
How do spacecrafts like Voyager 1 and 2 transmit pictures of space back to Earth? How do they receive flight instructions from such a long distance from earth?
How many parsecs are in one mile?
What is diurnal rotation of the earth?
What causes the earth to tilt back and forth to give us the seasons?
How does looking at the sun damage your eye?
Suppose we observe a Cepheid variable in a distant galaxy that brightens and dims with a regular period of about 10 days. What can we learn from this observation?
Why was Pluto discredited as a planet?
When a comet is at perihelion does it have a brighter tail?
What is the angle of tilt of the earth with the vertical axis?
Why are the images sent from Mars in black and white rather than color?
What is the life cycle of a star?
How far are we away from the sun during the winter compared to the summer?
How does the sun affect our tides?
Is a yellow star, such as the sun, hotter or cooler than an orange star?
How do refracting telescopes work?
Question #ec6d0
How does aneroid barometer works?
How do refracting and reflecting telescopes differ?
Why is the Sun different from other stars in the universe?
What are all the planets relative size compared to earth's?
How do nuclear energy plants work?
Does the earth spin slower on the northern and southern latitudes ?
Why can't we get a picture of the lunar rover sitting on the surface of the moon with earth-based telescopes?
What enables us to see different stars and constellation during different seasons?
What are the approximate size differences between the Earth and the Moon?
When and where did Giuseppe Piazzi live and work?
What is the nearest star to earth?
What are the two major forces that act on a star?
What evidence supports theories that water once flowed on Mars?
Where did the Apollo Missions land on the moon?
How do you calculate the distance between earth and a star?
What is the distance from earth to the sun in light years?
Why does the moon exhibit phases?
What causes moon phases? Why is there only one full moon a month?
How does looking at the sun damage your eye?
How does looking at the sun damage your eye?
Why are astronomical units used?
Why did Galileo's observations of Venus help to disprove the geocentric model of the solar system?
Who discovered the size of earth?
What are the Jovian planets? Where are they found?
How does solar energy convert the heat energy into electrical energy?
What planet is closest to the moon in the night sky?
Do astronomers have satellites orbiting other planets in our solar system?
What is the approximate speed at which the earth orbits the sun?
Which is the nearest star to the Earth: The Sun or Alpha Centauri?
What is the circumference of the Earth's orbit around the Sun?
What do stars and planets look like from a telescope? Does their appearance vary depending on the type of telescope used?
Where are the cepheid variables? Can we see any from earth without a telescope?
What are sun and stars made of?
How do scientists test the pH of soil?
How can electric energy be produced?
How many orbits had the sun completed just after the formation of solar system?
What are the colors of the stars from hottest to coldest?
How was the size of earth first measured?
What is the circumference of the orbit of earth around sun? Is it different for each year?
How long does it take to receive pictures from Mars? When the Phoenix takes pictures on the surface, how long does it take for the pictures to get to us on Earth?
At what point does the ecliptic cut the celestial equator?