Questions asked by Jim H
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Is there a way to delete a scratchpad?
How do I change int_0^1int_0^sqrt(1-x^2)int_sqrt(x^2+y^2)^sqrt(2-x^2-y^2)xydzdydx to cylindrical or spherical coordinates?
I'd like to add links to key phrases in my answer (like Link Owl does). Is there an easy way to do that?
I am no longer able to write comment on the mobile app? (Using a Samsung android phone.)
Why are so many people under the impression that we need to find the domain of a rational function in order to find its zeros? Zeros of f(x) = (x^2-x)/(3x^4+4x^3-7x+9) are 0,1.
Can we please have the old ability to delete our own comments back? I sometimes (often?) have a typographic error in a comment. I used to be able to correct the error and delete the incorrect comment. I can no longer do that.
Sometimes (especially with fairly new members) I can't get their @mention name to show up. I suggest putting the @ mention name on the profile page. (I can get to that and could look it up.) I ask?
I can no longer see my past activity older than a week or so. (On my profile page) I used to be able to go back to my old answers for formatting and other reasons. Can we have the ability to see old activity back, please?
Useful to plot points on Socratic Graph?
Graphing vertical lines on Socratic?
Does anyone have a better method for restricting the domains of graphs using Socratic software?
How about an easy to find a link to basic equation formatting? Perhaps when someone clicks " Ask a question" -- like we get when we click "Answer".
Can we please have a topic in Calculus for the Intemediate Value Theorem. It belongs in Limits right after Continuous Functions?
While I'm asking, could we also have a section in Calculus, Limits for The Squeeze Theorem? I think it should go after Limits at Infinity and Horizonatal Asymptotes.
I am not familiar with "increasing at a point". I know that f(x) = x^3 is increasing on the whole real line, but since f'(0)=0 do some people say that it is not increasing at x = 0?
Should we have a topic "Average Value" in Calculus -- Applications of Definite Integrals? I keep seeing questions asking for average value posted under average rate of change.
For the complex number 1+3sqrt2i are the forms 1+3isqrt2 and 1+i3sqrt2 both widely accepted violations of strict standard form a+bi?
Do psychologists distinguish between adding and subtracting something to make behavior less likely? (As they do with positive and negative reinforcements to make behavior more likely.)
Why must sources be credited so exactly? (Not just at Socratic, but in general.)
I've been noticing an increase in questions asked two or more times by the same person. How can we improve this?
Higher derivatives of sine form a 4-cycle. Integer powers of i form a 4-cycle. What is the connection (if there is one)?