Energy is stored in fats and proteins. Which organelle produces ATP from these energy sources?

1 Answer
Dec 20, 2015

The organelle that produces ATP is called the mitochondrion.


Remember, however, this is only in Eukaryotic cells. These are cells that have organelles.
Carbohydrates also store much energy. They are usually the preferred 'fuel' for cells to break down and use as that fuel is converted into ATP.
ATP itself is a very temporary and mobile molecule, much like money currency in the world It 'buys' work, pays for jobs, and is quickly transferred between chemical reactions within the cell.
Fats and proteins also store energy. Like carbohydrates, they do not in and of themselves immediately (note that word) provide quick energy. Like any fuel, all of these sources (proteins, carbohydrates, and fats) must be broken down first.
Why? They 'contain' stored energy in their covalent bonds between molecules. This is the function of the mitochondrion: to allow glycolysis and aerobic respiration (like the Kreb's cycle, another topic)to make ATP as 'money'. The cell now has energy!
Hope this helps