The perimeter of a basketball court is 280 ft. The length is 42 ft longer than the width. What are the dimensions of the court?

1 Answer
Jul 10, 2016

The length is 91 ft. and the width is 49


We're going to solve this problem using system of equations. We will use variable #l# for length and #w# for width. Also it's fairly safe to assume that the basketball court is rectangular.

The formula for perimeter of a rectangle is #2l+2w=p#. We know that the perimeter is 280 so our first equation will be #2l+2w=280#.

Our second equation will come from "The length is 42 ft longer than the width". If we turn that sentence into a formula we can get #l=42+w#.

Now we can plug in our second equation into our first for #l#

Now we may simplify and solve for #w#.
#84+2w+2w=280 84+4w=280 4w=196 w = 49#

Now we plug in our width into our second equation

So our final answer will be the length is 91 ft. and the width is 49.