Question #a08ef

1 Answer
Sep 4, 2016

Water blooms or algae blooms are rapid excessive proliferation of plankton in a water body.


Sometimes in a natural water body or even a swimming pool there is an accumulation of some compounds which can be used by plants for growth.

This could be from a runoff from a distant industrial set up or because of deliberate dumping of the stuff.Or even by washing clothes using phosphorous based detergents in a water body.

The outcome is usually toxic for all other life forms in the water body because the blooming species consumes all the oxygen dissolved in the water.

This leaves the others, fish amphibians and other plants too, in the water body, gasping for oxygen. Mass death of animals and plants follows and the water body is rendered useless.

It requires a lot of effort to get the water body back to a functional state where it can support various life forms.