How many centimeters is 5.67 inches?

2 Answers
Oct 13, 2016

14.4018 centimeters


There are 2.54 centimeters in one inch.

Multiply 2.54 cm by 5.67 in to get 14.4018 as your answer

Oct 16, 2016

So 5.67 inches is 14.408 cm

The explanation takes a lot longer than the actual calculation.


If you are ever not sure what to do with conversion use ratio. Also look at the way the units of measurements are written in the conversion. That gives you a clue about what you need to do.

color(blue)("Building the reference ratio")Building the reference ratio

Known: 25.4" mm "= 1" inch"25.4 mm =1 inch

So there are 25.4 mm ul("per") inch ->("25.4 mm")/("1 inch")

This gives the ratio.

But 25.5 mm ->2.54 cm giving:

("25.4 mm")/("1 inch") " "-=" " ("2.54 cm")/("1 inch")

color(blue)("Converting the reference ratio so that it gives the answer")

We need to know what the values in the ratio are if we change the inches from 1 to 5.67.

Multiply by 1 and you do not change the value but 1 comes in many forms.

Multiply by 1 but in the form of color(magenta)(1=5.67/5.67)


color(green)(("2.54 cm")/("1 inch")xxcolor(magenta)(1) " "=" "("2.54 cm")/("1 inch")xxcolor(magenta)(5.67/5.67))

=(14.4018" cm")/(5.67" inches")

So 5.67 inches is 14.408 cm