How do you solve the system of equations #3x-2y=-1# and #6y + 3 = 7x#?

2 Answers
Aug 10, 2017





Let this be equation number #1#





Let this be equation number #2#


Multiply Equation number #1# with #3#
That is, #=>(3x-2y)*3=-1*3#



Let this be equation number #3#


Now subtract equation number #2# with equation number #3#
That is,

#(7x-6y=3)-(9x-6y=-3),#we have to subtract the right-hand side and left-hand side separately
So it becomes,









Put the value of #x# in equation number #1# #(#you can take any of the given equation#)#
Then equation number #1# becomes








#x=-3# #&# #y=-4#

Aug 10, 2017

The solution is #((x),(y))=((-3),(-4))#


We perform the Gauss Jordan elimination with the augmented matrix


We perform the row operations

#R2larrR2-7/3R1#, #=>#, #((3,-2,:,-1),(0,-4/3,:,16/3))#

#R2larr(R2)/(-3/4)#, #=>#, #((3,-2,:,-1),(0,1,:,-4))#

#R1larrR1+2R2#, #=>#, #((3,0,:,-9),(0,1,:,-4))#

#R1larr(R1)/3#, #=>#, #((1,0,:,-3),(0,1,:,-4))#