What are the three factors involved in the cohesion-tension model of water transport?

1 Answer

The cohesive-adhesive forces of water, continuous water column in VB, transpiration pull etc., help the water transport.


The 'Cohesion-Adhesion Tension' theory for the the translocation of water from the root system to the shoot system has been proposed by Dixon and Joly (1894). According to them following factors help the ascent of sap.
1. Strong cohesive-adhesive forces of water among the own molecules and the wall of xylem help to maintain continuity of water in the vascular bundles.
2. Presence of continuous water column from the root to the shoot of the plants.
3. The transpiration generates a transpiration pull from the leaves of the plants to roots through the vascular bundles.
The mentioned factors help the water transport. Thank you