Question #cf607

1 Answer
Nov 25, 2017

#int (x^3+x+2/x^2-4) = 1/4x^4 + 1/2x^2 -2x^-1 + 4x + c#
where #c in RR#


since this seems like a simple polynomial (oh well there is that rational part) we can do it part by part.

#int (x^3+x+2/x^2-4) = int (x^3) + int (x) + 2 int(x^-2) - int (4) #

Let's think how this works... It's easier to think about integration in terms of derivitives

for example we know that #f'(x^4)= 4x^3#

So if we wanted to get rid of the #4#, we can multiply it by #1/4#, so they both cross out., thus # int (x^3)= 1/4x^4 + c#

same idea for # int (x)# thus #int(x)= 1/2x^2 + c#

we can use the same idea for #2/x^2#, if we turn it into this format #2x^-2#

(note that I took out the #2# because it's a coefficient and it doesn't affect the integration.)

!Attention! the #-2# does not become #-3#, remember that when we derive a polynomial, we SUBSTRACT one from the power, so when we integrate we ADD one to the power. so #-2 # becomes #-1#
# 2 f'(x^-1) = -x^-2 #
multiply by -1 to get rid of the negative sign

therefore: #2int(x^-2) = -2x^-1 +c#

finally, let's think when do we end up with a single number in a derivative? when we have smth like this #f'(x) = 1#
so #f'(4x)= 4#
thus #int (4) = 4x + c#

put all terms together (just put one c, or C it just represents a constant)
#int (x^3+x+2/x^2-4) = 1/4x^4 + 1/2x^2 -2x^-1 + 4x + c#
where #c in RR#