On the summit of a mountain, rising #784 1/5 m.# above sea level, is a tower of height #38 1/25 m.# On the roof of this tower is a lightning rod with a height of #3 4/5 m#. What is the height above sea of the very top of the lightning rod?

1 Answer

#826 1/25m#


Simply add all the heights:

#784 1/5 + 38 1/25 + 3 4/5#

First add the whole numbers without the fractions:

#784+38+3 = 825#

Add the fractions: # 1/5 + 4/5 = 1 #
#1 + 1/25 = 1 1/25#

#825+1 1/25 = 826 1/25m#